The Radical Notion

Encouraging women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians

If there’s one thing we can say with certainty about all college women… October 3, 2009

…it’s that they love hot pink!

Twelve housepoints to whoever can guess which entry this is from!

Twelve housepoints to whoever can guess which entry this is from!*

What better way to portray pioneers in women’s higher education (that are still producing better outcomes for female students than are co-ed colleges) than as rejects from Barbie’s Dream House?

Oh, if only. Can you IMAGINE how much more awesome our underwear pillow fights would be?

Oh, if only. Can you IMAGINE how much more awesome our underwear pillow fights would be?



To say “I’m Sorry” would be a lie… June 1, 2009

Filed under: Relationships,Teh Interwebs — theradicalnotion @ 5:30 pm
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So, I’ve been puttering around the Interwebs, as is my wont, and getting inspiration for all sorts of TRN-worthy blog posts, but this afternoon I got distracted and started wandering around I’m not linking, both because you can find it if you want to and because honestly, I think the world has enough people who read it already. For those not in the know, AskMen is a site for men, by men, and about men’s problems (namely, dealing with women). And I do mean dealing with themĀ  – there are advice columns in which “Doc Love” tells you how to properly manipulate a woman into staying with you, complete with Important Capitalized Terms and percentages and frequent references to “Psych majors” using language and terms that I, a Psych major, have never heard in an academic setting. There are mentions of “Womanese” and “the fact that women do 90% of the dumping” and “every woman has power over every man, ever, and you just don’t know it” and “if these tips don’t work for your woman, she’s clinically insane. Get out and head for the hills!” and “would you let your woman have an abortion?” and before I get all ranty, let me just cut myself off and say that several blogs could be written with the sole purpose of describing the shittiness of this website. But I’m a glutton for punishment, so I read some articles, alternately cackling and sighing, and then decided to really grab the bull by the balls and search for the money word. (more…)


The song “Hot Shot City” is particularly good January 6, 2009

Filed under: Meta — theradicalnotion @ 1:12 am
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Apparently, there is an Internet subculture that revolves around writing parodic reviews on I was alerted to this phenomenon by the comments section of this Jezebel post on a nipple extractor (actually a plumbing tool). I don’t know what forum or website people go to to hear about the particular products to mock, or if there are other ones around, but here’s a list of ones I found, with excerpts of the type of review you can find (possibly NSFW): (more…)